Visual Thinking and Digital Tools


This class consisted of two parts taught by two different professors and then we came together for the final. The first part focused on digital mediums and composition while the second part focused on three-dimensional works. The final was a group project combining the two phases. This page is going to be organized by section with the final at the end.

Project: Phase A for All from One. Choose an object that is a crucial part of your day and depict it in 9 different ways following the elements and principles of design prompts.

For this project, I chose to focus on my hand sanitizer holder. I have my hand sanitizer with me every day so it was something that connected to me. My hand sanitizer case is a burrito so I tried to incorporate elements of the taco color scheme and ingredients throughout each design.

2D Taco

Taco Loop

Project: Find 24 pictures associated with your object and organize them into a 30 second loop.

I really wanted to play into the taco elements with this so I found objects of tacos as well as taco shops.


Project: Research your object and create an infographic displaying your research

I decided to research the history of tacos within the US. I created a vector taco image and used various elements from the shell to create a chip like background. I also hid my original vector burrito in the image from Phase A. This class was one of my first studios and I think that this piece definitely shows my growth from this class to now.

All From One

Project: Reimagine your object

I decided to do an animation for my last phase. It shows a Dia de los Muertos mask being decorated and then eating a taco. I wanted to have a fun, cartoony feel to this last phase to bring it back to my original object.

For the second part of Visual Thinking, we worked through form and understanding three dimensional composition. We started this by doing 30 pen drawings of 30 different sculptors’ pieces. This sketchbook was used throughout the course to base things off of.

In the gallery below, you will find Phases 1 and 2 of this portion of the course. Phase 1 being aspects of the sketchbook, and phase 2 being creating a digital 3D representation of those pieces in TinkerCad.

Non-Representational Digital Sculptures

Project: Create six 3”x3” TinkerCad sculptures displaying the three types of balance. Select one to 3D print, one to sculpt with chipboard, and one to stay a digital sculpture.

This project was interesting to work with. After the previous project, I had had some experience with TinkerCad so that made it a little easier. I tried to pull inspiration from my sketchbook project as well as my own research of other sculptors.

Non-Representational Sculptures

Project: Adjust three of your digital sculptures for one digital, one print, and one chipboard sculptures

This was the last phase for the sculpture portion of the course. Below you will find the digital and the chipboard sculptures. I had a lot of fun with both of these. It was interesting to be able to bring the digital to life with the chipboard.

Project: With your group create a piece that combines one of the books of the Gospels (Matthew,Mark,Luke, and John) and an element of design

My group was given the element of time with the book of Mark. While researching the element of time, we wanted to display time through various ways. Ways such as displaying in progress elements, a clock, and an animation. For the in progress elements, we decided on polaroid pictures due to the time it takes for the photos to develop. On the clock, we sanded off the numbers and divided it into 12 sections focusing on the 12 major moments in Mark.

Mark in Time

Mark in Time Presentation

This video displays the way that our group presented it to the class. Our animation was very minimal. It only consisted of lighting up different in progress elements along with the sections on the clock going in chronologically.