Typography and Visual Communications
For this course, each project built upon each other until we got to the final piece. We were introduced to our final little by little across the course just by the other projects. Below you will find each project in the order that they came in.
Cropped Type
Project: Three sets of twelve 2.5x2.5" images utilizing cropped serif and sans serif type. Each set is only allowed one serif and one sans serif type.
This project was very interesting. It definitely was a challenge to get the design to stand strongly as a set but also as individual squares.
Cropped Type Collage
Project: Create three 7” x 10” collages using only the pieces from Project 1
This project was fun because it combined physical work with the digital piece that I had already done. It was interesting to see how it changed throughout the process.
Digital Collage
Project: Take the work from project 2 and create a digital collage with the addition of black and white pictures depicting texture, gesture, and figure
This piece was the first phase of a two phase project. It was interesting to complete because I was not a fan of my project 2 at the time. I think they came out really well though. There is definitely connections between each collage but they also stand alone.
Moving Digital Collage
Project: Take one collage from phase A and create a looping animation
This was the second phase that went with the project above. This phase was a lot of fun. I have played around with animation in my own time and it was interesting to use those skills and adjust them to Photoshop timeline.
Word Art (Create 10 images displaying the word in a creative way)
This project was probably one of my favorites throughout the course.
Project: Create different variations of your class schedule
This project was a challenge because the information did not seem important since it is just my class schedule. But working through it really helped me acknowledge space and letting
Poster Design
Project: Create three very different posters for the TypeCon Conference using the same information.
This project was fun to be pushing myself to get different designs. It was interesting to see what elements I could bring in to make it fun and professional. We did not know at the time, but this project would influence the projects for the rest of the semester.
Clear Vision Two Spreads
Organize two spreads of information that sisters your poster design.
This spread was fun to complete but afterwards I knew I could make a lot of improvements to it.
This was the first think that I changed when it came to the final project.
Project: Organize 16 pages of information into a presentation booklet
For this project, we used the elements from projects 6 and 7 to create a program booklet for TypeCon. I made a lot of changes based on feedback from those critiques. The cover plays off of a typewriter image that I created for project 6. Pages 10 through 13 of the booklet are the newer versions of my project 7 spread. From Project 7, I learned how to properly spread out text while also making it all fit. This is shown throughout the whole booklet. In this project I tried to work through different design elements and features in InDesign. It was a lot of trial and error but it turned out really well.