Relief Printmaking

Printmaking is an artistic process based on the principle of transferring images from a matrix onto another surface, most often paper or fabric. Traditional printmaking techniques include woodcut, etching, engraving, and lithography, while modern artists have expanded available techniques to include screenprinting. - MET Museum

Koi Fish

Woodcut print with red and green ink

Project: 2 block print using various color patterns.

This was the second project that we did throughout the course. We had a lot more freedom with subject matter through this project. I really wanted to try and work through organic figures.

Started with an ink drawing of the overall idea. Then scan the drawing to mark on the block. Carved the first, key, block with basic details. Transferred the block to the second and started carving more detailed aspects of the design.

Koi Fish - Process

Woodcut prints with black ink

Project: Use 4 blocks to create various perspectives of the covered bridge.

This was my first project in the printmaking course. It definitely posed a challenge. From my first block (top right), to my last block (bottom right), I learned a lot on how to properly use chisels and how to apply ink. This project was a lot of fun to experiment with and to learn through.

Covered Bridge Series

Began by going to the bridge and drawing various perspectives along with taking photographs. Decided on which perspectives were the strongest and transferred them to the blocks one by one. After that, I began a repetitive process of carving, proofing, and editing in order to get the image I wanted.

Bridge Series - Process

Cottage Door

12 color reduction on linoleum

Project: 8+ color reduction on linoleum

I created this image of a cottage door through the process of reduction. Reduction is basically the reverse of relief printing. You print each color and then carve out what will actually be that color. This was an edition of 9.

Stained Glass - In Progress

10 color reduction print on 9”x9” linoleum

Project: Free Problem

This was my second to last drop of color. I decided to start with the black which caused some challenges but it helped the colors play in a really nice way. The image consists of three lily of the valley branches with organic shapes in the background.

Orange Slice

4x4 Woodblock black and white print with red stamp

Project: 4x4 free problem in an edition of 21

This is probably my favorite piece from the class. It was my final piece and part of a print exchange with the rest of my class. This was the biggest edition that we did for the class so that added a few challenges. Overall, I think it turned out really well and shows a lot of growth for me throughout the course.